Our Movements of Renewal

Renew, Revive and Reform


Personal Renewal 

We believe that Spiritual Renewal is first and foremost the transformation of individuals by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Hence at the Renew Movement, we are passionate about helping you learn more about the theology and practice of personal renewal by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Church Renewal

We are passionate about the revitalization of the local Church. Working with leaders across different Churches and denominations, our work in renewal is also focused on learning more about the transformation of the Local Church or Ministry by the cultivation of biblical habits of renewal.


Community Reform

We believe that authentic Spiritual Renewal also inevitably results in social and cultural transformation. In our ‘reform’ curriculum, you will learn more about the transforming work of God in your neighbourhoods or Communities as we partner with the Holy Spirit in the adoption of effective outward missionary praxes.